Let’s talk about prolonging orgasmic pleasure, a practice known as edging. The art of edging is both technical and psychological. Technical because you need to re-train yourself to listen to your body as never before and to develop different ways to masturbate. Psychological because, for many men, orgasm has been the ultimate goal and it is like a race to the finish!
You need to re-train your mind to stop and savor sensations you’ve rushed through before and to develop a different set of expectations from your masturbation session. You’ll be learning ways to have multiple orgasms and, especially, to differentiate orgasm from ejaculation.
Everyone has one, that place where you know nothing is going to stop the inevitable. Getting to know this point means you need to become intimate with your own body.
This requires time and patience, but the rewards are worth it. Starting at a slower pace, learning a new grip, centering your mind and concentrating on the feeling of just your hand on your body.
Enjoyment is the simple act of savoring the moment. There’s no frantic pulling and tugging, you aren’t trying to create more “erotic energy.” Instead, you are simply enjoying what you already feel. When you can achieve the feeling of enjoyment, then you can truly begin edging.
Being fully present in your body and savoring every sensation allows you to achieve highly ecstatic states. You can experience a connection with your true self in new and intimate ways.
Presence helps you pay full attention to what you are doing while pleasuring yourself. A practice in presence allows you to wake up your entire body to its full erotic potential.
It allows you to focus on what is substantial rather than what is superficial. Presence can help you restore the natural connection between your genitals and your heart and your spirit. It also helps you engage your entire body – not just your penis.
The most powerful aspect of orgasm edging is the realization that you have a choice, a choice to surrender your attachment to ejaculation. You can break the habit of “routine” masturbation and orgasm out of “habit.”
Once you’ve learned the art of listening and checking in with your body, you can tell what your body wants. Be present and listen. Feel and trust your body, because it knows when it’s time to ejaculate.
Give one of our Edging Phone Sex Mistresses, today!